Book - Nightingale by D K Golden
Genre - Thriller, Supernatural, Mystery

“The Nightingales had enemies. Through the centuries, we had to contend with various adversaries, primarily those belonging to the Church of Illumination. They’re also known as the Illuminati.

Illuminati, we have heard much about it, all the conspiracy theories that are aplenty! But rarely do we get to read about it in a book. However, this new Universe promises to change that. After Peter Parker, Clark Kent, we have a competent entrant in the Universe of the chosen ones. Author D. K. Golden presents a new teen hero- Jim in his book Nightingale. Packed with thrill and a gripping fear, don’t be surprised if you feel the ‘Stranger Things’ vibe getting on to you.

D. K. Golden’s debut novel Nigtingale revolves around Jim Nightingale, a seventeen year old. This lonely boy is busy navigating his life until one fateful day when everything changes. Jim meets  with an accident that leads to an out-of-the-body experience for him. Soon he realises how this near-death accident impacted him-he develops a superpower that enables him to leave his physical body and roam around the world. But with power, comes great responsibility, right? Jim’s powers brings him face to face with his family’s dark secrets. Eventually, his reckless actions ruffles the evil forces, giving rise to the chaos that can threaten the very balance of the universe. Now, Jim has to utilise every ounce of his power to save the living and reinstate the balance.

I was highly surprised when I found out that this was the author’s debut novel. Coming from illustration/arts background, no wonder D K Golden has such graphic vision that he quite seamlessly blended with the book’s context. Adding to my awe was the smooth flow of lucid language and  accurate articulation of the characters’ dilemmas and emotions.

Besides, I must give it to the author for he’s taken up literary challenges that we don’t generally expect from first-time authors. D. K. Golden quite minutely explored the themes of supernatural, horror, and mystery. It’s interesting to see how he has sewn all these themes with a thread of thrill, casting a fantasy world that lies on the fine line of reality and out-worldly.

Another stunning feature that got me hooked to the story is usage of the religious symbols that are in abundance. It’s safe to say that these motifs play a crucial role, strengthening the narrative for the final showdown. In addition, we mustn’t forget how the author balances Jim’s new found powers with his quest for self-discovery. This again brings forth the dichotomy- Jim’s shy demeanor vs his fateful responsibility to save the world. As Jim steps out of his cocoon to coming to terms with his destined role, I savoured the character growth.

All-in-all, this captivating epic fantasy is little over 800 pages but although daunting yet it makes for an enthralling read. A supernatural thriller that masterfully weaves in coming-of-age tale with the pulse-pounding illuminati saga to give you a reading experience that will leave you exhilarated. So dive into this rich, thrilling, immersive, unputdownable read!

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Nightingale by D K Golden

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