Book - Raaz Mahal by Neal Nathan
Genre - Historical Fiction, Thriller

“History is an eternal process… The history of any historian is not 100% correct… There is no end to history… A new page found in the search of history can change many references written in history.” -Historian Babasaheb Purandare

An RTI petition has been filed seeking clear, authoritative evidence that Shahjahan ordered & completed building Taj Mahal, that Mumtaz & Shahjahan were buried there, the timeline of the construction, professionally done archeological surveys, and carbon dating. But this petition doesn’t seek to know the cliche – if Taj Mahal was formerly a temple. Now that’s an  intriguing premise for a story and this twisted tale is further enriched by the narrative. Raaz Mahal by Neal Nathan dives straight into the annals of history asking pertinent questions, putting forth appropriate research that gets us thinking.

The story begins with an RTI petition being filed and to provide a fitting response the Bureau of Archeology, Agra, appoints Vijay Kumar, an associate archeologist, who is diligent and relies solely on science & reasoning as a way of life. While the BoA assumes Vijay & team to simply build on the previous reports, what Vijay does, however, is to retrace history, in a way that doesn’t go down well with one too many syndicates. And while we are just beginning to settle in the story a murder happens. Soon we see how an authentic research work has been disposed to the Britishers. And so from Agra we travel to London, Indore, in search of valid evidence.

The prologue is the premonition that perfectly sets the mood for the story. What lies ahead is a maze of complexities revolving around a world heritage site! The book picks up pace almost immediately. There’s an eerie presence that lingers throughout the story. A sense of urgency has us embroiled – there’s a response to be released for an RTI petition but so far not much work has been done on Taj Mahal. No documentations, no research, no carbon dating either. It’s all a huge hollow to be filled in.

This story is based on true events, we are told. There’s an ease in language with red herrings are peppered throughout. It’s almost impossible to guess what’s to happen next in this story.

As you delve deeper into the narrative you realize how the findings are as monumental as the monument itself and simultaneously, intellectually stimulating. While the story is a a tad lengthy yet there isn’t a single glitch in the narrative that may seem off-putting. Infact the crumbs the author leaves behind for us to follow, alongside the research are like threads winding around us that keep us going.

Talking about the characters, the author has crafted each character with remarkable insight and with great sensitivity, giving them a definitive & pivotal role in the narrative. Vijay Kumar is a well rounded character – edgy, witty, yet flawed. There’s something sceptical about Soniya & Malik. The only other character who is vital to take this storyline ahead, perhaps a Dr Watson to Vijay’s Sherlocking, is Samir.

Writing a mysterious story on a historical structure like Taj Mahal can be controversial in today’s date, yet the author has shown immense patience and courage by writing this story. If imagination is given the right direction then it starts to seem real and so the author’s excellent descriptions inspires the reader to see this story from a different perspective. The image of Taj Mahal has been in our vision for years but its published history may change our perception after reading this book.

All-in-all, Raaz Mahal by Neal Nathan won me over with its unobstructed pace, seamless storytelling, the riveting premise. It is a sheer page-turner and it provides wholesome entertainment, especially, if you are a fan of mysteries and historical fiction. Sincere & diligent efforts of an archeologist in giving worthy justice to history have been well-depicted in this story.

To buy the book, pls click - Raaz Mahal by Neal Nathan 

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