Mental health awareness is a major need of the hour. We see many websites, NGOs, volunteers pop up everyday to help spread a word about the sensitivity of the issue. Are We All Lemmings & Snowflakes? by Holly Bourne published by Usborne is one such book.

The novel follows the story of a teenager Olive who faces bipolar disorder. She decides to attend a rehab campaign called Camp Reset. Here she comes across other teenagers who face some or the other mental illness. And soon together the gang decides to do away with their illness forever by setting up a happiness virus.

The fact that this book though deals with an extremely heavy and sensitive issue it tackles it with much care and with a sprinkle of humor. The humor is evenly spread across the pages that cracks you up. The writing is engaging and keeps you hooked. The winner of this book is the story which leaves you satisfied and with a smile on your face. When you close this book you are sure to ponder about the things you just read and the characters you just met. I took 15 days to finish this book because the characters were so endearing that I wanted to stay with them.

We all have been through that phase when in teens we faced identity crisis or depression or peer pressure, all those memories came flooding back in when I began reading this book. Of course there were no camps for us, few wrecked teens, back then but this camp felt so lively that I was totally pulled into this environs. The thing is the climax doesn’t really end the story. But rather there begins a new happy story when we turn the last page of the book.

Overall, I think you need to pick up this happy-go-lucky carnival to bring back the zeal in your life and to reminisce your teenage.

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Publishers: US Bourne
Available: Amazon, Flipkart
