Book – Never let go until we’re gone by Sandhya K Ravi
Genre – Poetry

When you love someone and it’s not reciprocated or when you love them despite knowing that you can never be together or when you are wronged by the person you loved wholeheartedly, that heartbreak is insurmountable. And no matter how much you try you just cannot erase the feelings so easily. The memories sting, the words linger, the heart still beats for them, perhaps a tad louder, only difference between then and now is that, now you are all alone reminiscing the beauty that was love. Never let go until we’re gone by Sandhya K Ravi is a beautiful anthology of poems that’s steeped in the hues of love and heartbreak.

You may not find rhyme at every turn of page but you will definitely find emotions that are real, raw and rich here. Some of these verses will leave an indelible imprint on your mind and some will leave you satiated. It is as if someone has understood your pain, that which was so abstract that you  couldn’t define it for yourself, let alone to those around you.

The feeling of left unfulfilled, the melancholy of one-sided love, the heartburn upon missing them, the unrequited emotions, everything takes a form in this poetry book. It’s the words and sentiments that stood out for me. It was all so relatable and reminiscent of the past scars. And yet it artfully presents the magnificence of Love, a serene place to be in.

You read, you relive the past, you ponder over the emotions evoked by the poet’s words. It’s sheer pencraft of Sandhya that you soak up in the emotions that were long buried in the deepest crevices of your being.  All the poetries are deep and soulful. Accompanied by delicate illustrations these verses will warm your heart. Free-flowing, easy language, succulent words and concise imagery  yet a stellar creation is the USP of this book.

Some of the poems I really loved – Solitude, You let me down, She is,’You’, Thoughts and Tranquility.

All-in-all, Never let go until we’re gone by Sandhya K Ravi is a heartmelting poetry collection of irreplaceable feelings, a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. You feel the hurt and yet this is the sweetpain we all have been through. 

To buy the book, pls click - Never let go until we're gone by Sandhya K Ravi 

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