Book – Mystical narratives by Karishma Udit Chhatrapati
Genre – Poetry

“As the night dissolves into dawn,
The melancholic tears are replaced with tears of joy,
As the bliss of being casts its heavenly light on me,
I step into the shoes of the healer I have become.”

When darkness engulfs it eats you up whole and some more. It leaves you raw and bereft. It makes you gnaw at the slightest trigger. You are full of fear, doubts, complexes and dilemmas. This isn’t a crossroads you stand at. You are learning to keep up with the life that’s happened to you, you are trying to find your semblance. Mystical narratives by Karishma Udit Chhatrapati is a beautiful blank verse that carries the essence of light and dark.

The entire book is a heartwarming conversation between Moonshine and Moonlight. Moonshine often finds herself amidst a crisis and reaches out to Moonlight for advice. Like a father figure, Moonlight takes her under his wings and counsels her.

Moonshine goes through every human emotion that weakens us. She is anxious, fearful, has inferiority complex, is worried about the judgemental world; basically she is trying to navigate life but lacks the confidence to do so. Moonlight brings in that much needed glow-up in her, reinstilling confidence and faith in herself.

The book is a quick read, a poetry collection that acts as a healer. The words are dipped in saccharine reality. It is a bitter medicine delivered mildly.

The conversations are seamlessly brought together with every chapter addressing one aspect for bringing about the emotional well-being. As the poetess mentions in the introduction to the book, “You cannot fix your past but you can definitely manage your emotions in the present. So, instead of trying to fix your emotions, turn your attention towards managing your emotional wellness.”

With simple and well-structured writing the poetess delivers the message of self-love, self-healing, self-discovery, courage, acceptance, ignorance, and a lot more.  The fabric of this narrative maybe woven in simplicity yet it is laced with wisdom and a lot of it. The book carries the power to transform if only you will delve into the depths of your soul alongside reading the narrative.

You see, healing is never linear. There are bumps, bents and many ups and downs in this journey. We need to walk this path for “our” growth. And most often we find ourselves in the position that Moonshine is stuck in. This narrative thus becomes a story of us and for us. There’s ease with which it gets the readers involved, evolved and inspired.

To buy the book, pls click - Mystical narratives by Karishma Udit Chhatrapati 

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