I am a sucker for fantasy fiction. Esply if it us fantasy romance, it is absolute love.

So here are some of the fantasy books and series you can binge read during quarantine. And these are only those that I have read. Tried and tested hai bhai! 😂

1. Harry Potter by JKR. This is the right time to read this series if you haven’t already. And soney pe suhaga matlab #harrypotterathome
Celebs reading out the books to you. Thank you JKR and everyone making this quarantine fun for us, Potterheads! (BTW what’s your Hogwarts house? I am a proud Gryffindor ❤️)

2. ACOTAR by Sarah J Maas. Initially I loved Tamlin. Infact, book 1 seemed like Beauty and the beast to me. Adorable. But Rhys is….umm….alluring 😍 (you ship Feyre and Rhys or Feyre and Tamlin?)

3. Strange the dreamer by Laini Taylor. Gawd! I loved this book so very very much. The writing is so lyrical. I had to fall in love with this work. Muse of nightmares, though, failed go appease me as much as Strange the dreamer did.

4. House of blood and Earth by Sarah J Maas. One of the best fantasy books written in the recent times. Go read my review of the same.

5. Legend by Jude Deveraux. One of my favs by this author. It’s time travel and romance. And it has the best looking book boyfriend ever. Cole Jordon. 😍

6. Knight in the shining armor by Jude Deveraux. Another gem by Deveraux. Devoured it.

7. Pan’s Labyrinth by Cornelia Funke and Guillermo del Toro. It was such a beautiful world. I had pulled an all nighter to finish this one.

8. Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern. Loved the way this one is woven. The best opening and closing lines ever.

9. Djinn city by Saad Z. Hossain. What a magical and thrilling world of Djinns the author has created in this book. Stunned me.

10. Twilight by Stephanie Meyer. Read during college times. Felt cute then. Won’t lie, even I am waiting for Midnight Sun to release. Edward Cullen was a great book BF.

Ps: Nora Roberts. Now she is my go to author when it comes to fantasy romance. I love reading the trilogies. Pick fantasy books by her with closed eyes and you won’t regret.


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