Book – Journey Of Awakening And Higher Consciousness by Jane Kim Yu
Genre – Spirituality, Nonfiction

Spirituality is the most used yet most misinterpreted term in today’s day and age. To understand spirituality you don’t need to look for the sources outside but delve deeper within you! Jane Kim Yu through her book Journey Of Awakening And Higher Consciousness offers clarity and accuracy on this topic.

The book spans over 200 pages and is spread across 7 chapters. Through these chapters the author introduces us to the divine grace and reacquaints us with ourselves. She simplifies the complicated concepts and presents the ideas with much precision. Drawing from her experiences in life she shows how self-discovery and elevation is a continual journey and yet it isn’t impossible to embark on. She mentions how the root of self lies in the heart and love is the crux of our being. In love we are born and in love we grow.

The writing of the author is quite charismatic and eloquent. It gets lyrical and at times fairytale-ish. She infuses spiritual poems throughout the narrative to sum up the thoughts succinctly. Look closely and you feel that author’s language is language of nature hence connects instantly and easily. She offers a new perspective on spirituality, self-growth, self-love, and being comfortable in your skin.

Throughout the book she reiterates the concepts that are the building blocks of a strong personality. She asks one to embrace their uniqueness because to begin your quest within you have to begin here! She asks one to beware of their thoughts, have desire to lean towards love, be open to new ideas but not criticizing the old ones. “Be a watcher of your internal world,” stresses Jane.

Jane takes the readers on profound journey lucidly explaining the concepts of Karma, synchronicity, soul connections, mirror effect alongside laying emphasis on channelizing our energy and emotions in the best possible way. When you bring in authenticity, embrace yourself completely, shed the negativity, drop the masks and be you, you’ve truly arrived, maintains Jane. Before closing she equips the readers with tools and techniques that have worked for her, and many others including myself.

The book provides insights into a transformative journey we all will eventually commence and invites the readers to tap into their core and reignite the light within.

All-in-all, Journey Of Awakening And Higher Consciousness by Jane Kim Yu provides a deep understanding of our spiritual makeup, encourages us to embrace love, shows us the path to passion and purpose in life and live life authentically.

To buy the book, pls click - Journey Of Awakening And Higher Consciousness by Jane Kim Yu 

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