Book – Scrabble babble rabble by Bruno Beaches
Genre – Prison drama

A retired police officer turned author, Bruno Beaches had entertained the readers worldwide with his previous works – Till death we part series. However, with his latest offering – Scrabble babble rabble- he brings something new for the readers.

The book follows the life of prisoners. In their English class prisoners are told to undertake the activity of playing Scrabble so as to enhance their vocabulary. This activity leads to four inmates coming together and then begins the game of Scrabble babble rabble. However, it isn’t only about learning new words for them. This game helps them learn about each other and we see a bond emerge. Alongside, we see the mundane and scary life inside the prison.

The book like any other prison drama seemed to go on forever. However, one needs patience. Such dramas often leave us with a lot many takeaways. The book clearly shows us what the word “stifled” really means. The fact that the life inside prison gave me chills is solely because the author has dextrously penned the narrative. There are a lot of characters but every character is well-defined by the author. As also the book was highly unpredictable.

Last word – Reading this book reminded me of books like Papillon and Shantaram. So, all-in-all, Scrabble babble rabble by Bruno Beaches is a book that’s meant to be relished slowly.

To buy this book, pls click - ScrabbleBabbleRabble  

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