Book- Shine your icy crown by Amanda Lovelace
Genre- Poetry
Publisher- Andrews McMeel

Shine your icy crown by Amanda Lovelace was another book by the poetess that I read/listened in Feb.

Much like her previous works this too was strong, assertive, powerful and energizing even. Her words brought me back to life. It was packed with a punch. Lovelace has magical storytelling skills and she is invincible when it comes to giving it off to the society and it’s double standards. I am forever her cheerleader when she’s does that and she does it always.

“there is a beginning, a middle, & an end to every single book, & some books even have sequels. you’re only at the beginning of the very first book. give the rest of your story a fair chance to unfold.”

“i’m beginning to realize that sisters are in your life forever, while lovers usually stay in our lives only but for a moment in time. honor the fellow women in your life every single chance you get. check in on them. offer them a shoulder or two. lay roses at their feet. make sure they know that they’re never truly alone, because they have you.”

I received an ARC audiobook of this book from publisher Andrews McMeel. The book is narrated by poetess herself. The narration plus the background music felt like stardust to me.

To buy the book, pls click - Amandalovelace 

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