Book - Silicon Threads by Sunny
Genre - Sci-fi, Techno thriller

Big Brother in 1984 was a reminder that sooner we will live in a world subjected to constant surveillance. AI robots have  potential to take control of our lives. With every passing day, search engines and algorithms are keeping an eye on our personal choices, decisions, and even whims. These breadcrumbs that the AI follows to ease our online life can be our impending doom. Author Sunny’s latest book — Silicon Threads throws light on one such parallel universe where a newly launched AI system will soon take over people’s privacy.

In the vibrant city of Nevada, a renowned tech conglomerate has introduced a comprehensive AI system— the OmniLink- that promises ‘to revolutionize the very fabric of society.’ Sarah Turner, a tech investigation journalist, from Nevada Tech News, stumbles upon a glitch that has the potential to upturn everything the AI system is promising. Though, at first, Sarah doesn’t find much dirt but when she digs deeper, with her partner-in-crime Alex Mercer, together they unfurl a web of lies and algorithms that could jeopardize every individual’s freedom— their privacy, their thoughts, and a lot more. As the team gears up to face the century’s biggest conflict, Sarah finally comes closer to the tech company’s ideal agenda behind using OmniLink.

This is intriguing enough as the consistent ethical vs tech dilemma propells the story forward.

Sunny uses lucid language to build a fictional world where AI plays a major role. Throughout 23 chapters, the author carefully builds the science-fiction, punctuated by intrigue, witty conversations, and ample unexpected turns. While reading I could easily visualise a thrilling Hollywood sci-fi unravel before me. In essence, Silicon Threads has a steady narrative, focusing significantly on the precarious future that we’re slowly moving towards.

Moreover, it’s interesting to see how the character Sarah Turner evolved, from a tenacious reporter to a strategic player in the story. I simply loved how Turner’s conscience acted as the reader’s mind, raising the questions that can threaten a civilian’s mindful independence. There were times where Turner’s logical thinking and premonitions came in direct contrast to Dr. Thompson’s year long ambition, the OmniLink— portraying the two significant aspects of the same coin called ‘human’.

At times, the storytelling might have been predictable, but the author’s penmanship kept us hooked to its every word.

While reading, too many realizations clouded my thoughts. Despite being a sci-fi dystopia, the book consistently signals at the reality we’re living in. With the increase in dependency on technology, we’re slowly being controlled by the algorithms and the whims of tech tycoons. AI has revolutionized the author way the world operates and AI robots with human emotions are slated to release soon. With that kind of future, this dystopian read becomes a undeniable plausibility.

Silicon Threads is a wake up call. We are selling our privacy in exchange of momentary comfort. An eye-opening techno-thriller and a must read in my view.

To buy the book, pls click - Silicon Threads by Sunny 

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