Book - Odyssey Beyond Time by Mahender Singh Bhaneka
Genre - Time travel, Mythological fiction

George R R Martin writes, “The best fantasy is written in the language of dreams. It is alive as dreams are alive, more real than real…” And that’s exactly what Odyssey Beyond Time by Mahender Singh Bhaneka feels like.

Odyssey Beyond Time is a rich blend of sci-fi, mythology, and time travel. It all begins when our a protagonist Mahender (author’s namesake) is climbing Mount Kailash, earnestly praying to Shiva to send him back to Markandeya. This man is curious for answers, he finds himself looking for Lord Ram and bumps into Maneeka. This meet is going to be life changing. Whether or not our hero will save his ancestral legacy, current civilization and future generations is what keeps you glued to the narrative.

This book is a gripping journey, a time capsule where the future of many civilizations hangs in precarious balance. At the heart, this story outlines a voyage which has been undertaken by a chosen one to save humanity from the doom.

Historical and mythical elements takes the reader deep into ancient cultures and mythologies. The narrative is filled with intrigue and awe as it moves from great battles of Lord Ram to Ravana’s Stargate which was shrouded in mystery.

The writing is captivating, rendering an enthralling experience by blending in past, present, and future into a maze of a narrative. Navigating this maze are characters of Mahender and Maneeka who add depth to the story with their contrasting personalities, journeys and the diverse experiences they bring to the table. Author deftly interweaves and correlates different eras and cultures which adds vibrance to the storytelling. Further what makes this work shine through is the Odyssey itself, where the protagonist discovers the power that’s in element crystals, paving a way for advancement and danger.

Adding to the thrill is the unyeilding chemistry between Mahender and Maneeka. Together the duo encounter and overcome challenges, their camaraderie tested at every step of the way.

To sum up, Bhaneka’s writing is fast-paced, keeping the readers on their toes with heightened drama, intrigue and thrill at every turn of the page. Odyssey Beyond Time is an exciting epic that’s sure to take you on a riveting adventure.

To buy the book, pls click - Odyssey Beyond Time by Mahender Singh Bhaneka 

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