Book - Legends Never Die: Conflict Of Cultures by Mathiraj
Genre - Thriller

Since the beginning of human civilization, a number of languages, cultures, and even continents have been  lost. Human oblivion, greed, and natural calamities can be few of the agents responsible for the extinction. But, often researcher chance upon a relic that pushes them to find mysteries hidden behind it, and exposing the long-forgotten history. In his latest offering, Legends Never Die: Conflict Of Cultures, author Mathiraj, focuses on unveiling one such lost culture.

The story revolves around Amita, a young national award winning author, who travels to Kanyakumari to research about the famous fishermen’s community— that’s the premise of her next novel. Vel Kumaran, a fellow fisherman and local guide, takes Amita on a tour, acquainting her with the various aspects of fishing and the life of a fisherman. During her trips she learns about their lives, their culture, their fishing techniques, the sea, the nature, and how it impacts the fishermen’s livelihood. All looks fine and dandy until she comes across a mysterious rock that has old Tamil inscription. On preliminary Google search, she learns the inscribed words are ‘Kumarik Kandam’ or ‘‘The Lemuria continent’. Intrigued, she is further informed about this lost continent and his downfall by a local expert. Through her article, Amita’s research reaches far and wide and even in Europe where an individual is extremely disturbed by what Amita has unearthed. They don’t want Amita to dive further and know about this continent and it’s history. Devious plans are cast to stop Amita, but at what cost?

Mathiraj doesn’t divulge everything very easily. He spreads a sense of intrigue throughout the narrative, knitting a number of sub-plots together. Though the language is simple and chapters short yet the characters— they are vibrant, full of steam, almost cinematic. What fascinated me is how most of the significant supporting characters have a back-story and how these incidences contribute to the building of the narrative. Besides Amita, Vel Kumaran has too many shades to keep us guessing. Though he appears empathetic, compassionate, and a true gentleman, he has a past steeped in darkness. Mathiraj does a wonderful job in giving this man a cogent narrative time, while Amita stands as a medium of reception— a bridge between Vel and us.

The book skillfully interweaves cultural vibrance with inner turmoil. And the narrative is fraught with uncertainties encountered on a treacherous path. With its action-packed setting, enrapturing stories, adrenaline fuelled drama and an in-depth research on the fishing community, Legends Never Die : Conflict of Cultures, is best suited for celluloid. It has layered and nuanced  storytelling with steadily building narrative that culminates into a riveting climax.

All-in-all, Legends Never Die: Conflict Of Cultures is not only an enchanting read but evocative exploration of identity, and belonging packed with compelling storytelling.

To buy the book, pls click - Legends Never Die: Conflict Of Cultures by Mathiraj 

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