Book - Lust, Love & Liberation by Balraj
Genre - Nonfiction

“There is no route from lust to liberation. However, there is a route from love to liberation. Lust is the character of ignorant humans, and such humans cannot love.”

In a world that’s riddled with yearning for bodily pleasures, the real meaning of love is lost. Love is often confused with lust and result of such relationships is broken heart. Love has been romanticised but never understood completely. Lust, Love & Liberation by Balraj  is a book that helps one differentiate between love and lust, and shows you the path to liberation.

Spanning over 100 pages and divided into four sections, the book through it’s short and crisp chapters, tries to bring forth a profound understanding in the readers – love liberates. The book is  thought-provoking and highly pragmatic. It delves into the complexities of human relationships, desire, and personal growth. The author takes us on a soul searching journey, exploring the intricate web of lust, love, and liberation.

Through a series of philosophical musings, vignettes, anecdotes, real world examples and historical & mythological references, the author dissects the various forms of love and desire, from the fleeting highs of lust to the profound depths of spiritual connection. With unflinching honesty, he presents the darker aspects of human nature – toxic relationships, trauma, and the struggle for self-acceptance. Alongside, the author also explains the basic concepts of spirituality like karma, soul, aura, frequency, beauty, demons and angels etc.

As Balraj untangles the societal expectations, cultural conditioning, and personal demons, a powerful narrative of liberation emerges. Throughout the book he puts forth varied definitions of love that will help you evaluate your relationships better. The author asks pertinent questions like how to find a right partner? Or is there anything wrong in having physical relationship? and the answers to these questions gives you invaluable insights on relationships and types of personalities. The narrative harps on the cycle of birth and reincarnation to explain how deeply our karma can affect us.

The writing is simple yet evocative. With short chapters one can easily zap through the book. It is a compelling read for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of love and relationships.

Honestly, this book kept me on my toes. While read this book I would contemplate and debate over every point being made, trying to arrive at a righteous conclusion. And while I agree with most points presented in the book, I also believe that getting scalded by your temptations is important starting point into self-inquiry.

But overall, in my opinion, with casuals becoming common place, this book holds immense wisdom to educate you how to form deeper, eternal connections.

To buy the book, pls click - Lust, Love & Liberation by Balraj 

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