Book – Ponder Awhile by Mohit K Misra                                                   Genre – Poetry

Poetries are sacred whispers. They come to you when it’s meant to. And weaving the divine in words is what poet Mohit K Misra does in his spiritual poetry collection Ponder Awhile. 

The book makes for a quick read and has over 40 poetries. With a simple rhyme scheme of AbAb the poet presents his spiritual journey. Having served as a Navigating officer for over 7 years, an epiphany struck him that was nothing but illumination. Enlightenment. The poet then embarked on a spiritual quest that was exhilarating as much as confusing. These poems are a fruit of arduous 11 years. 

Every poetry is unique and takes us on a distinguished sojourns. From praising his parents to paying homage to mother earth and the sea, the poet touches upon different facets of life and nature. 

Death becomes a recurring theme in the narrative making us aware that NOW is all we have and all we should focus on. Subtly the poet urges one to be mindful in everything we do. 

The poet rallies against the cultural, communal, religious divide enforced upon us by the society. Rather, he vehemently opposes the societal norms. He doesn’t shy away from naming the political parties either. Because the truth is we all are a part of the divine and to divine we return. Infact, throughout the book Misra explains this very fact in variegated ways. 

Another theme we see oft repeated in the poetries is the mention of “light.” The poet speaks of the divine as light. He dives into the deep abyss trying to bridge the gap between human and the divine. 

Misra doesn’t let his words asunder. He binds them into the essence of existence and presents it all succinctly. 

To sum up, as the name suggests, Ponder Awhile compells a reader to ponder. It is profound, with words that have a universal appeal. The poetries are thought-provoking and for a spiritual seeker this book gives an enriching and rewarding experience. 

Ps – The book has received number of accolades namely 

Award Winning Finalist “USA Book News” Spirituality General 2009

Top 100 Recommended Religion and Spirituality “ebookmall” 2009

Ranked 1 in Religious and Spiritual eBooks “Franklin” 2010/ 2011

“Best Book Buys” Ranked 1 in Poetry books 2011 

Top 10 Poetry, Top 10 Body, Mind and Spirit and Top 10 Philosophy- Religious Books 2011/2012 and 2013

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