Book - The Book Of You by Manoj V Jain
Genre - Visual Poetry, Spiritual

We all are spiritual beings getting a human experience, goes the old saying. Sooner or later we tend to start delving within, questioning our existence and introspecting. Where science ends, soul searching begins. Author Manoj V Jain has always brought forth substantial concepts through his works. And being acquainted with his writing it was then imperative that I pick up this book, The Book Of You, which is quintessentially a coffee table book but carries wealth of wisdom. A one-of-a-kind book of visual poetries.

The book is a short read with crisp thoughts/poems and can be read in a single sitting. However, these verses are uber profound and won’t let you sit still. They will make you contemplate and question. It is introspective and evocative work of spiritual fiction that doesn’t merely touch the surface but promises to give a universal human experience, especially for those seekers and wanderers like me! One can engage in a sequential reading or open any page to their heart’s calling, the thoughts are going be insightful, compelling you to self-reflect.

With ravens being the emissaries in this tale you know that the wisdom imparted is timeless encapsulating life, death and the world beyond. The book then exudes mystical vibes. Enriching mysticism is the poetic and metaphorical language, and the vibrant art. This art is eye-catching as well as soul soothing.

Manoj Jain has a penchant for simplicity, mysticism, spirituality that gives a depth to his narratives. This book too brings back his signature style albeit in bite-size. Thematically this book touches upon myriad human emotions but at the heart of it lies the perpetual spiritual quest.

To sum up, with an empathetic, analytical approach, The Book Of You wraps you in a narrative that is intellectually stimulating. Forming a rich tapestry of well-woven, deeply moving human emotions and spiritual awakening, there’s an uncanny allure to this book. It left me happy and content.

To buy the book, pls click - The Book Of You by Manoj V Jain 

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